Thursday, May 24, 2007

Similar Thoughts

For this post I read Morgan's Blog. I agreed and also had some of the same thoughts as her. Clarisse does definitely seem like someone from the future, and i think that she must of had read books in the past. Montag is really interested in her because of what she says and how she thinks. I liked when she said it was as if they didn't have a brain. Knowing what we know today about books really makes it seem that way. When Clarisse asked if he knew about firemen putting out fire before they started to only make fire, Montag was really confused. From reading on i know now know that hat Clarisse said to him really affected him. Montag asked his fellow fireman and they just laughed at him. I also know that he started to keep alot of books as well. Hopefully he doesn't get into a lot of trouble because he has these books.

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